Sunday, November 24, 2013

Shameda's Blog Updates - Post 3

Hiya peoples. I just wanted to say that my step-sisters are coming over today and they will be staying for a week. OMG I'M SO EXCITED. Anyway, I probably won't be blogging until they leave, because I'd hate to be rude since I haven't seen them since, like, last Christmas. OMG I'M SO EXCITED. I can't wait to ask them if they like One Direction. If they don't, I will try to survive the next week with them being on Directioner territory. When we were a few years younger, we all liked Big Time Rush. They were our idols. But now, they've moved on from that and I'm stuck being the only Rusher in the family. But if they don't like One Direction...
Anyway, I'm typing this so fast right now because I'm anxious to see them and I talk fast when I'm excited which means I also type fast. If they do like One Direction though, THIS WILL BE THE BEST WEEK OF MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because I don't know ANYBODY who likes One Direction other than me and the girl who sits next to me in band class. (I play flute) Anyway, I just wanted to get this out of my system before they get here because I don't want to be firing random questions at them, like:

  • Do you like One Direction? (obviously)
  • Do you know how to play an instrument?
  • Do you mind if I practice my flute for a few minutes? Because my band teacher makes me practice over the weekend.
  • What do you think about me getting a blue streak in my hair? Or should I dip-dye it blue? When do you think I should get that done?
  • Do you like the friendship bracelets I made you?
  • When was the last time you played Just Dance?
  • Do you mind if I sing a One Direction song at the top of my lungs?
  • Why don't you get on Animal Jam anymore? Your account was deleted.
  • Do you mind if I ask you a few million more questions?
All those questions and more will be shooting out of my mouth at a thousand miles per hour from the second they walk through the door until they leave. I'm really really really really really REALLY REALLY REALLY EXCITED TO SEE THEM!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait OMG I think I'm hyperventilating. I'm gonna show a few One Direction pictures to calm me down. Okay, so this is how the visit will go:
"Okay, that's nice, I guess."
Do you like One Direction?
"Okay, maybe you didn't hear me."
-A week later-
"We don't like One Direction anymore. We used to but you ruined it because you talk about them too much."
-After they leave and I realize that nobody will tolerate my endless One Direction fangirling, Directioner or not-
I hope you liked it. I hope that doesn't happen though. Anyway, they will be here any minute now so I gotta go. Wish me luck! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE!



Saturday, November 23, 2013

Shameda's 1D pics - Post 3

Hi, I've found more funny pictures of One Direction, and I am going to try to share ALL of them this time. This may take a while, starting with this one that I have laughed so hard at for so long:

Would you get in the van? I would. No, I wouldn't. Just kidding, I totally would. LOL.

DIRECTIONER TEST! Do you understand this? No? THEN GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN! (That's another inside joke)
That was funny...
Oh Niall, you just made my day.
I love this. This is my new desktop background. OMG this is awesome.
I have a feeling that this may have actually happened. I wouldn't be surprised if it did.

I wish. But my grandma knows better... darn it.
Awww this makes me wish I was a dog. Woof...
OMG how did no one ever notice that before? THIS IS THE FUNNIEST THING EVER.
THIS is why Directioners are always saying this. NOW YOU KNOW. O-O

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! That's so sweet! I thought this was the cutest thing ever and it would be great to end this post with. ELOUNOR FOREVER!!! They're so cute together...
See you next time!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

More Of Shameda's Pointless Rambling - Post #1

Hiya peoples, I'm here yet again to tell you guys stuff you don't wanna hear. I'm gonna start making One Direction related poems and stuff. Not many imagines, though, cause I'm not good at those and I don't wanna be that kind of Directioner that just sits there like Imagine this, imagine that, blah blah blah, you die, blah blah blah. But I do like to read imagines, though I tend to stay away from the ones that end in "you die" because that's annoying. Anyway, there will be 99% One Direction stuff on this blog, so get ready.

P.S., ShadowFlare, if you're reading this, please post SOMETHING. I have been asking for a while and I'm sure the blog readers are getting tired of One Direction stuff 24/7. Please. Bye again.
-$hameda... again.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Shameda's Blog Updates - Post 2

Hiya peoples, Shameda here. As you may or may not have noticed, I recently switched from my Blogger to my Google+ account. You may have noticed that my name on Google+ is Shameda Styles. HINT: My name is not Shameda, it is a nickname. My last name is not Styles, I just wish it was. Anyway, a few posts ago, I had a true Directioner test. You were looking for where "One Direction" had no spaces. It looked instead like OneDirection. You're welcome. Bye.


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Shameda's 1D pics - Post 2

Hiya peoples. I know I did one of these recently, but today I realized I missed a lot of the really funny ones so I'm doing another. This one blog series will make up most of the blog, by the way.

OMG this is SOOOOO me. Did I tell you guys about the time I spent the whole weekend on my laptop? No? Well, I spent the whole weekend on my laptop. And I'm planning to do the same this weekend. :)

OMG I absolutely love these! "Oh, how I wish, that was me."

Yes. That's all I have to say about this one. YES.
*Starts singing* "The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed..." That's exactly why I flip my hair so much. For no reason at all. I LOVE YOU ONE DIRECTION!!!
Awwwwwwwww. That's adorable!
This next pic is not One Direction, (GASP) but it's my new catchphrase.
Seriously, if you hate One Direction, GO CRAWL IN A HOLE AND DIE.
Well, this post has been very long (and very emotional) so...

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Shameda's 1D Pics - Post 1

Ok, so I'm back with ANOTHER One Direction blog series. I have 3 others: Shameda's 1D Fangirl Diary, Shameda's 1D Stuff, and Shameda's True Directioner Test. But this is where I post the funny 1D pictures I find online. I DO NOT OWN THESE. <--Just a little copyright message there. Anyway, these are old, but they're still funny.
I have this saved to my computer under the name: awwwwwwwww...

Ah, 1D lyric changes... XD

OMG this is hilarious! Look at Simon, LOL

I wish XD
And in case you Directionaters don't know what this means, take a look at this:
And in case you Directionaters still don't understand, this is the tattoo on Zayn's arm. YOU BETTER HAVE KNOWN THAT ALREADY!

I swear, Directioners are better than the FBI. And most of them don't even know this stuff about themselves. Well, I'm going to end this before it takes someone 12 years to read the whole thing. Bye.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Shameda's True Directioner Test - Post 1

Hiya peoples, Shameda here. I'm excited because I don't have to go to school tomorrow. It's because of some teacher meeting or something. I don't know. Anyway, on with the test.

One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction OneDirection One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction

If you see it within 10 seconds, you are a Directioner. Comment when you find it! I will reveal what you were looking for in my next post. Bye!

P.S., I think that's okay for my sign-off. That's how it will be from now on. Bye again!
-$hameda... again. ;)

Monday, November 11, 2013

C-T's OOPS... - Post 1

Hiya peoples. Ok, so I recently found out that Carrot-Top is an actual person. Oops. Anyway, I am going to change my codename, because obviously I can't be Carrot-Top anymore. Lone Wolf has a cool name, so I think I might choose something along those lines. Hey, I got one that I'm hoping nobody has yet. So when I was a kid, I had a nickname. Basically only a few members in my family called me this, but the nickname was "Shameda". I liked the name, so I'll use it here. So, as of now, I am no longer Carrot-Top. That means I'd have to change the way I end my messages, because it doesn't really sound the same. I'll be experimenting with that in my next few posts until I find one that I'm ok with. For now, I'll just say bye.
