Friday, September 20, 2013

C-T's 1D Fangirl Diary - Post 2

Hiya peoples, and welcome back to my One Direction Fangirl Diary, Post #2. I've got a lot to say right now, so get comfortable. For one, PEOPLE, QUIT SAYING IT'S A BRITISH INVASION! I don't know why, but it makes me very mad. First of all, Niall isn't even British! He's Irish! And for those of you who didn't know that, you are totally Directionators. Seriously people, get your facts straight!
Now that I got that out of my system, what's your favorite 1D song?
Personally, I can't choose. They're all awesome.
Carrot-Top out. Peace. ;)

Lone Wolf- Post #1

Today I think we should start off simple. If you could be any video game character, who would it be? And from what game? Well I gotta go and catch a bear that just stole my rabbit.
Well, what are you waiting for?
-Lone Wolf

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Welcome To My (Well, OUR) Blog!

Hi, and welcome to this blog that I share with my friend. (It's mostly mine, but I won't go into details) On this blog, my friend and I have codenames because I prefer not to release private information on the internet. My codename is Carrot-Top (Don't ask why). My friend's codename is Lone Wolf. He/she won't be doing the actual posting, that's my job, but when I post anything that he/she tells me to post, I will write it in his/her point of view. Sorry about the super long post, I am very chatty, as you will discover as this blog progresses.
Now, have you ever wanted to create a blog, but are clueless of the actual subject of the blog? I have trillions of ideas for different blogs, but instead of creating trillions of blogs, I will mold all of my topics into one blog. WARNING: I AM A DIRECTIONER. BE PREPARED TO SEE A LOT OF FANGIRL STUFF AND ONE DIRECTION IMAGES. Now, Lone Wolf has given me a survey question to start this blog off.
If you could be any type of animal, what would it be?
-Jungle Animal
-Sea Creature
-Arctic Animal (Like penguins and arctic foxes)
Carrot-Top Out. Peace. ;)